[Physics] X Dissident Scientists Against Relativity

O. Serret o.serret at free.fr
Thu Nov 10 22:14:12 CET 2016

Dear all,

We are on this mailing list because each of us did a work on a point which is different of the official physics. We have been classified as “dissident” on the Climont’s list, and Aren did a huge work to send a mail to each of us and then to create this forum.

Some of you are relativist, other not. In 1931, scientists published a book “A Hundred Authors against Einstein”. It was a failure for various reasons. In my opinion, it was because of the bad choice of the title (the work was against Relativity and not against the man Einstein), it was a sum of individual opinions (and not a common work), sometime they use philosophycal arguments which can always be discussed (they did not limit their arguments on scientific experiments), and they did not propose alternative theories.

Within this frame, would some of you be interested to do a similar work ? 

Even relativist could participate in it, in order to get some criticism during the elaboration of this work.

With my best regards
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