[Physics] The Big Bang Theory

Thomas Goodey thomas at flyingkettle.com
Thu Oct 20 20:33:40 CEST 2016

On 20 Oct 2016 at 18:22, The Self-Called Master Inventor 

> The Big Bang (BB) Theory violates all the major laws of
> physics. 

The "laws" of physics are not supposed to have applied at 
the initial singularity, while the parameters of the 
universe were smaller than the Planck length.

> The BB appears out of nothing

Who said that?

>           -  Violation of conservation of energy

You don't understand the conventional BB concept.

> This point of super hot energy begins to expand
>           -  Why is it hot?

It has no choice.

> The BB is super massive and expanding
>           -  Violation of General Relativity, it should form
>           a black hole.

You don't understand the conventional BB concept.

> The BB goes through a period of faster-then-light super
> expansion
>           -  Violation of Special Relativity, nothing can
>           travel faster than light

You don't understand the conventional BB concept.

> The expand ball...

It's not a ball. It's a universe.

> ... of energy starts to condense into hydrogen
> gas
>           - Violation of atomic physics.  It should condense
>           into the higher elements,
>              particularly iron which has the lowest energy
>              state, just like in a super nova.

No, it shouldn't. You don't understand the conventional BB 

Thomas Goodey

But remember, please, the rules by 
which we live. 
We are not built to comprehend a 
We can neither love, nor pity, nor 
If you make a slip in handling us you 

Rudyard Kipling, 'Secret of the 

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