[Physics] (no subject)

carmam at tiscali.co.uk carmam at tiscali.co.uk
Thu Oct 27 16:18:08 CEST 2016

When I saw the
rant, I wondered whether to reply. I am new to this forum (?), and will
reply without any rant, but whoever it is who is ranting - and it does appear to be you Mike, please refrain. I am a dissident. I believe - no, I know, that
Einstein's SRT and GRT are both wrong, and can can be proved to be so very
easily. SRT is based on time dilation, which throws up a paradox every time it
is used. Relativists use the word paradox to hide the fact that it is actually a contradiction.

Einstein said
“Moving clocks run slow.” Assume clocks of identical construction.

Here is the setup. There are two clocks named A and B. Clock A and clock B are
moving apart at a steady velocity – ie there is no acceleration involved. If I
am with clock A, SRT tells me that clock B will be running slow; if I am with
clock B, SRT tells me that clock A will be running slow. Here we have a
paradox. Clock A is running slower than clock B, while clock B is running
slower than clock A. Einstein said that time dilation was an
actual occurrence not a matter of perspective. Please tell me which clock
is running slow, and why that one and not the other. Do not invoke acceleration as there is none. The clocks do not have to be returned to side by side for a comparison, just use the rules of SRT.

GRT is based on
the equivalence principle, which can be disproved very easily. See my web page
item 5. for the EQ :-    


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