[Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 21, Issue 4

Hans van Leunen jleunen1941 at kpnmail.nl
Tue Dec 4 12:44:31 CET 2018

You may consider the base model of the Hilbert Book Model as a dynamic modeling environment that supports fields as well as discrete sets. The applied quaternionic functions and the corresponding differential and integral theory clearly define the interaction between point-like actuators and fields. See: The Behavior of Basic Fields; http://vixra.org/abs/1806.0207
Hans van Leunen
>----Origineel Bericht----
>Van : ilja.schmelzer at gmail.com
>Datum : 04/12/2018 12:27
>Aan : physics at tuks.nl
>Onderwerp : Re: [Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 21, Issue 4
>To answer
>"What alternative 3-D truth exists which mathematically appears/behave as 4D
>There is the straightforward "alternative", namely the original
>interpretation of SR, the Lorentz ether.
>Today it is known, but unfortunately only to very few people, that it
>can be easily extended to a Lorentz ether interpretation of the GR
>equations too.  See http://ilja-schmelzer.de/ether for the details.
>It gives a compressible ether which follows continuity and Euler
>equations and is universal, all matter fields are also waves of
>variables describing the state of the ether. So, the generalized
>Lorentz ether is in many aspects much superior to the original one,
>which was incompressible but with waves, and with matter going through
>it without feeling resistance, which is quite natural for waves but
>not for a different matter.
>I do not understand why critics of relativity do not embrace this
>simple and straightforward alternative.
>Physics mailing list
>Physics at tuks.nl

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