[Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 20, Issue 2

cj at mb-soft.com cj at mb-soft.com
Fri Nov 23 18:12:44 CET 2018

To Doug:

Your coimments i8nvolve several incorrect aspects of logic, which are the sources of the confusion you have.  Some of these even appear in the reasoning of my fellow Physicists.

Your thoughts regarding your three people are based on a serious logical flaw, which even my associates at NASA often get wrong.  In 1971, NASA tried to do the Hafedle-Keating experiment, because they thought they were going to prove that Special Relativity existed.  At the time, I madee some fun of saome of my NASA friends due to the serious logical errors.  SR is mathematically very simple and BASA decided that they understood it.  This was only a few years after Einstein had died, so he was no longer around to explain to them that they  HAD TO ALSO account for GR (which they did NOT do)

The scale of the SR experiment they wanted to do is very minimal, and even thoughy they included FOUR Cesium atomic clocks in each airplane, the experiment was a dismal failure due to differences between the four clocks having Error Factors that were greater than the result they hoped to find.  That data is still available, and it is obvious from that data that their expriment had no chance of success.

But worse, my friends at NASA were NOT willing to understand that GR also was in effect in that experiment.  They understood the simpler SR, due to our "velocity of rotation of the Earth" (although even those calculations were NOT acttually done properly).  But as we each personally revolve around the Earth each day, we necessarily ACCELERATE DOWNWARD (raidially) as part of that same motion.  That is Centripetal acceleration.  The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics gives the (roughly) correct value of the Centripetal acceleration for someone at the Equator.  That value can be used in the Equivalence Formula of GR to calculate the GR time rate effect of GR (WHICH NASA never bothered to do).

We know the dimensions of the Earth really well, and so it is easy to calcunate the SR (time dilation) effect to a precision of 18 places.  It turns out that by using the Equivalence Formula, we can also calculate the GR time rate effect for that same person at the Equator (or anywhere else on earth.  I was shocked when I firat did those precise calculations about twenty years ago.  Since we are always BOTH "spinning" with VELOCITY" and "centripetally acceleration", continuously, we must MULTIPLY those two time rate effects to learn the NET Relativistic time effect".  Feel free to repeat my calculations, which are included in http://mb-soft.com/public4/dilation.html   The result was a shock to me, where the NET Relativistic time rate effect on us, no matter where we are on Earth, is always EXACTLY 1.000 000 000 000 000 000  .  In other words, the two Relativistic effects, SR and GR always exactly cancel each other out regarding "time rate passage"

Your three "observers" each would have DIFFERENT GR time rate effects, which nulls out the result you claim you would find.

IF those statements were TRUE, yes, it WOULD be "fattal" to Relativity, but since they each contain logical flaws, then no, it is fine.

Your other reasoning is also not correct, but xsue to other logical flaws.

I encourage you to read http://mb-soft.com/public4/dilations.html

This shows some basic logical errors that nearly everyone triess to apply to SR.

Carl Johnson
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