[Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 19, Issue 5

carmam at tiscali.co.uk carmam at tiscali.co.uk
Wed Nov 28 19:33:08 CET 2018

Tufail, would you explain this please :- "Speed of light (as we observe at present moment/era) is so fundamental to the nature of reality , that without it space-time will cease to evolve and expand, which becomes a motion-less Universe."Do you mean the speed of light being the value that it is. and it has to be that value, or would any other constant speed do? Also do you mean c WRT all observers (which has not been proved, despite claims that it has), or c WRT its source .
Tom Hollings.

----Original Message----

From: tufail.abbas at gmail.com

Date: 28/11/2018 16:12 

To: "General Physics and Natural Philosophy discussion list"<physics at tuks.nl>

Subj: Re: [Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 19, Issue 5

Hello Doug,
Thanks for those videos!!
You did an interesting experiment, though I feel, that perhaps all cases are not discussed. 
I wonder if it would be beneficial to discuss those cases.
I wonder what would happen if both magnet and disc are co-rotating but in opposite/ counter clockwise direction. Will it give a negative or positive voltage?.
I wonder what would happen if position of magnet and disc is interchanged and all cases are repeated.
However I would like to clarify when I said that "it cannot be measured",  I mean the absolute impossibility of measuring/ detecting. Not that it is not measurable by using one method but possible to measure by using another method. 
Speed of light (as we observe at present moment/era) is so fundamental to the nature of reality , that without it space-time will cease to evolve and expand, which becomes a motion-less Universe. 
Hence time (which is detected from motion) and space (which is measured only when time is available) are no more detectable, though they may exist as information/knowledge on landscape of all possibilities untill such time Universe chooses to evolve in one way or the other with a particular reality. And landscape of all possibilities is not a physical object.
Tufail Abbas

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