[Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 27, Issue 15

cj at mb-soft.com cj at mb-soft.com
Fri May 29 13:51:15 CEST 2020

Ha. Ha.   He knows some four-letter words!

I couldn't care less his opinion on anything.  I happened to have WORKED at 
FermiLab and so I KNOW many experiences and insights.

I notice that his immense intellect has apparently been affected by some of 
the actual true experiences I have had and which I had shared.

Oooh.  Did the genius get offended?  I find it amusing that he was 
apparently incapable of composing even a single sentence which is 
respectful.  I wonder if he had to struggle to stick his nasty words in 
there, of if that is his normal way of trying to communicate.  When we 
Theoretical Physicists have Conferences, often massive egos are present, 
but, like you, the Managers tend to show the door to anyone who speaks like 
he does.  But people like him would never be invited to Conferences of 
educated people anyway.

Rather sad that there are people like that.

Carl Johnson

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