Hi Ilja. Space does not distort time or clock showings (readings). Any oscillatory motion timekeeper, be it pendulum clock or atomic clock, is affected by gravity. An atomic clock slows down in greater gravity, a pendulum clock speeds up. Nothing to do with space.<div>Tom.<br>
----Original Message----<br>From: ilja.schmelzer@gmail.com<br>Date: 09/06/2017 07:27<br>To: "General Physics and Natural Philosophy discussion list"<physics@tuks.nl><br>Subj: Re: [Physics] gravity is NOT a force<br><br>2017-06-08 20:15 GMT+02:00, carmam@tiscali.co.uk <carmam@tiscali.co.uk>:<br>> Tesla was correct on this one (and numerous others). Space is nothing. How<br>> can nothing be distorted?Tom Hollings.<br><br>But clock showings are distorted. If otherwise identical clocks show<br>different results once they move differently through space, something<br>in this space distorts them.<br><br>This something has a name, gravitational field. Feel free to name it<br>differently, say, ether (see http://ilja-schmelzer.de/ether/ for<br>details), but to ignore its existence makes no sense.<br><br>_______________________________________________<br>Physics mailing list<br>Physics@tuks.nl<br>http://mail.tuks.nl/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/physics<br><br><br>