Which mechanism generates gravitons? All massive objects in the universe are recurrently regenerated. See "Generating mass from nothing" http://vixra.org/abs/1803.0388 <br><blockquote style="margin-right: 0px; margin-left:15px;">----Origineel Bericht----<br>Van : tufail.abbas@gmail.com<br>Datum : 22/03/2018 06:01<br>Aan : physics@tuks.nl<br>Onderwerp : Re: [Physics] EM waves<br><br><div dir="ltr">
Dear Randy,
Further to the below email, we would like to inform that we (Tufail Abbas & Ruud Loeffen) have written a paper titled "Wave Function of the Solar System" which is attached. In this paper a possible wave function has been proposed, though it may require modifications, as per actual future findings. We believe that such a wave-function, would embed an LC circuits within it.
In your paper about gravitons(
<span style="color: rgb(31,73,125);font-family: Calibri , sans-serif;font-size: 11.0pt;"><a href="http://labs.plantbio.cornell.edu/wayne/pdfs/gravitons.pdf">http://labs.plantbio.cornell.e
<commented></commented>du/<span class="gmail-m_179993103743239013m_2455843269480186693m_-3756281342080227829gmail-il"><font color="#1155cc">wayne</font></span>/pdfs/gravitons.pdf</a></span>
<span><span>) you have guessed that a wavelength of 3X10^6 m could be the possible wavelength of gravitons. We have calculated an analogous Compton wavelength of 2.26 X 10^8 of solar system as you can see in Appendix C. And you said in the paper that gravity could be the result of some Compton Like Scattering.</span></span>
We request your review and feedback, if there is any connection,
Tufail Abbas
<span style="color: rgb(31,73,125);font-family: Calibri , sans-serif;font-size: 11.0pt;"></span>