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</head><body><p>Food for thought there Mike ( I think we have conversed previously), but I disagree on some points. I agree that the SM is wrong, but for different reasons. There is no dark matter, DM was designed (invented) to get over the differences between Einstein's relativity and observations, especially concerning the rotation of galaxies. The slow rotation (slower that it should be), can be accounted for using classical physics, if the correct base line is used. The next paragraph is from memory as I recently upgraded my PC and lost all saved internet document addresses. </p><p>The model used for calculating the rotation of galaxies assumed that galaxies are point sources for gravity, but when the mass of the galactic arms is considered, and the gravity distribution along those arms is taken into account along with the central galactic mass, the rotational speed is seen to be much slower. Only classical physics is needed to calculate this. The path of our sun, using the same maths, can be calculated on its journey across the spiral arm in which we are.</p><p>You also say "An unmerger event within our only universe goes off randomly..." Do we take that to mean without cause? If so, it cannot be, as there can be no effect without cause. There is also something I read somewhere about two oppositely charged and opposite spin particles merging, and therefore becoming "invisible". </p><p><br></p><p>Tom Hollings</p><blockquote type="cite">On 26 April 2020 at 17:18 <a href="mailto:mikelawr@freenetname.co.uk">mikelawr@freenetname.co.uk</a> wrote:<br><br><br>Guys/gals,<br><br>Your discussion is interesting, and touches on some aspects that I think <br>I may be able to add some value to, if you are interested.<br><br>Firstly, there is a way to provide a single solution to all the <br>paradoxes that haunt us due to the over-simplistic foundation that is <br>the Standard Model. It uses only one incompressible particle (and its <br>anti-partner) to provide both an aether-like background and a single <br>loop structure where the number of pairs of the particle/anti-particle <br>defines whether the loops are normal matter or dark matter. The <br>background is where the pairs are wholly or partially merged – fully <br>merged means nothing observable, partially merged and spinning, <br>vibrating or moving, produces magnetic lines of force and gravitational <br>frame dragging when in strings attached to the loops.<br><br>Each particle/anti-particle when unmerging fully, to become a separated <br>pair, which spin and move relative to the background and generate <br>one-sixth the electron charge each, positive or negative depending on <br>screw sense but always totaling zero for a pair. Pairs like these chase <br>each other, latch onto other pairs to form chains or strings which then <br>catch onto their own tails to form loops, as mentioned already. The <br>loops formed from three pairs are our leptons. Loops of other pair <br>numbers are dark matter.<br><br>So total charge in the universe is always zero and the extra degrees of <br>freedom provided by the loops means that the definition of matter and <br>anti-matter is changed. The anti-loop to a spin plus one-half electron <br>is a spin plus one-half positron. So a photon is a perfectly neutral <br>spin plus one double-loop. The only difference between matter and <br>anti-matter is its charge. If a positive charge proton (a stack of <br>loops) is defined as normal matter, then the electron is anti-matter. <br>Thus matter and anti-matter do not destroy each other on contact, but <br>form neutral systems like atoms and photons. So anti-matter is hiding in <br>plain sight and a battery is a matter/anti-matter device.<br><br>An unmerger event within our only universe goes off randomly. The <br>cascade of other pairs unmerging drives loop formation at high energy – <br>small loop radius – which then results in collisions between loops and <br>inflation as the particle/antiparticles in the loops keep their <br>momentum unchanged. Most such inflation events fail – the inflation does <br>not release enough energy from the loops to boost the now larger loops <br>away from the original event. These failed big bangs are cosmological <br>black holes dotted throughout the universe acting as frameworks for our <br>subsequent successful big bang to expand through and new loops to <br>coalesce around.<br><br>Progress through the background requires energy and decreases the <br>rotational rate of the loops, which is a measure of their energy. Single <br>loops require ‘topping up’ by photons. Photons lose energy almost <br>directly proportional to the distance through the background that they <br>have travelled, almost completely regardless of loop frequency. This is <br>a viscosity red shift, because the effect of the background friction is <br>like a viscosity in a fluid, which has not yet been taken into account <br>in observation of stars. So the universe may be much smaller than <br>currently estimated. The local background viscosity provides a local <br>maximum velocity for the photon, much like the air producing a terminal <br>velocity to a parachutist. Gravity is the slope of the local viscosity <br>gradient.<br><br>General relativity rules in the background environment because of its <br>viscosity. There is a local maximum velocity to all travel through the <br>background, energy is lost in all motion and so no action is reversible <br>and there is an arrow of time. Quantum mechanics exists in the tunnels <br>formed between loops that have been merged, as in a photon, and <br>subsequently separated in space. The tunnels exclude the background and <br>thus there is no maximum speed limit. The loops randomly move along the <br>tunnel swapping ends continuously, no matter how far the two have <br>separated in space. The properties observable are the sum of the time <br>spent by each loop at each end and when sufficient perturbation breaks <br>the tunnel, each loop is stuck at whichever end it then occupied. The <br>result is non-locality and probability. When two entangled photons are <br>split in an experiment, the photon observed passing through a filter <br>will not necessarily be the same one observed exiting as they <br>continually swap between paths.<br><br>We have only one universe because there is only one size of particle and <br>anti-particle, there are only two forces at work, due to the fundamental <br>mass and charge – other forces are derivatives – and only one basic <br>structure formed – the loop. There is no place where physics breaks down <br>because the particle and anti-particle building blocks are the <br>incompressible and unbreakable densest and smallest possible Planck <br>sized black holes. Only the loops can be broken back into chains or <br>strings as they enter a cosmological black hole – which is really a <br>chain or string star.<br><br>There is a lot more to this hypothesis, so I have attached a recent <br>paper that was published as part of the Vigier series of conferences. <br>And I have also attached a very recent pre-print of a paper on Maxwell <br>and other electromagnetic equations and how to reinterpret them in terms <br>of mechanical properties. This may or may not help in the original <br>discussion point, but I hope it makes you think.<br><br>Cheers<br>Mike Lawrence<br><br><br><br><br><br>Physics mailing list<br><a href="mailto:Physics@tuks.nl">Physics@tuks.nl</a><br><a href="http://mail.tuks.nl/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/physics" rel="noopener" target="_blank">http://mail.tuks.nl/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/physics</a></blockquote></body></html>