[Physics] Magnets and gas bubbles in water. Was: Re:How to answer ?

Zoltan Losonc feprinciples at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 7 12:04:16 CET 2016


Doug’s experiment is to the point, and he has proven experimentally that the helical movement of the electrolyte is due to the Lorentz force, and not caused by mysterious longitudinal magnetic aether currents. But this is a well established fact in electrical engineering, and there was really no need to prove it, because it has been already proven countless times in different forms.

But Pollack’s discovery (which most of us surely have already heard about) has nothing to do with the subject we are trying to discuss. It is not a sign of a genuine researcher scientist to jump aimlessly from subject to subject, losing focus in the process and achieving nothing in the end. Why don’t we focus a little bit on your writings and on the writings of Paul? Even if not openly admitted, it is obvious that we have been invited to this mailing list to discuss your “new discovery” and Paul’s ideas. 

Your idea of “electrolyte spinning along with the magnetic aether vortex…” has been proven to be wrong, so we can close that issue. Let’s talk now about the next problem in your articles that you have started, namely the subject of charged particles as aether vortices. You wrote that the forces between such particles can be explained by the thrust acting on the acoustically excited Helmholz resonator. How do you explain this process in details?


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