[Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 2, Issue 11

O. Serret o.serret at free.fr
Sun Nov 13 17:56:55 CET 2016

Hi Carl,

I don’t believe in time dilatation because there is no experiment which can measures DIRECTLY the time variation itself, there are only interpretation or explanation.

To explain Michelson and Morley results, A. Einstein formulated the theory of special relativity, deriving the Lorentz transformation on the hypotheses of length contraction and time dilatation.

But Lorentz transformation can be derived without the hypotheses of length contraction and time dilatation (on the single hypothesis that gravitational mass is different from the inertial mass ; see : http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=54203), and thus Michelson and Morley results can be explained without time dilatation.

Best regards
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