[Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 14, Issue 12

cj at mb-soft.com cj at mb-soft.com
Wed Apr 25 14:37:18 CEST 2018

You need to do  better Research before you criticize.

No, the ORBIT of Mercury is NOT used in calculatinng the perturbations.  EVERY attempt to calculate mutual perturbations, at least for the past hundred and fifty years, has involved a SPECULATION, which is technically NOT even true.  Instead of using a PLANET's mass to calculate from, they always use a RING which is the planet's mass uniformly distributed around the orbit.  

They have always done this beccause the actual math (integral calculus) when using the planet's' mass is painfully difficult to do.  The RING assumption eliminates one of the major calculus integrations, where the problem is still  manangeable but at leastt possible to calculate.

Some time ago, somebody, using a computer, did both versions, and they found the math errors in the results.

Please be careful before you announce that someone else has failed.

Carl Johnson
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