[Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 19, Issue 5

carmam at tiscali.co.uk carmam at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Dec 8 11:12:33 CET 2018

Tuffail. Very profound and very true :- 


----Original Message----

From: tufail.abbas at gmail.com

Date: 08/12/2018 2:37 

To: "General Physics and Natural Philosophy discussion list"<physics at tuks.nl>, "James Rose"<integrity at prodigy.net>

Subj: Re: [Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 19, Issue 5

I appreciate that you have a vide array of perspectives from different subjects of knowledge and I must also compliment you for the rich use of language and words. Indeed that is something special. I am sure that such a quality cannot be developed , unless we are ready to read and listen to and give respectful consideration to ideas of others. 
>From my point of view, the Physics has a simple goal:
“To Explain Action At A Distance” 
Once this is done, Theory Of Everything is reached. 
Unfortunately, Physics is now lost in abstraction, whether we are talking of Forces, Fields, Space-time Continuum or Probability Waves. 
I am not saying that abstract properties (i.e. Love, Justice, Courage, Beauty  etc.) are of no significance for our existence. However :Love cannot exist by itself, unless a living being exist to possess this  quality.Courts cannot deliver Justice unless a plaintiff exist.Hence courts, book of law, living being and plaintiff are more fundamental that Love and Justice. 
Similarly,  physical cause  that generates or effect the forces, hence movements,  must be more fundamental than the four fundamental forces. 
Information (in system theory I guess?)  also be an abstract concept unless we are referring to some kind of pattern encoded on a physical existing object/entity. For example: information stored on my computer hard disk is real.
You said that: dynamic architecture relations of "dimensions", are more primitive than the 'fundamental forces'. I am not sure what is your definition/understanding about dimensions…… Is it only related to length , area and volumes of a physical structure (like my house). Or do you consider time also as dimension along which my house is travelling, while being still at the earth's surface…. Or something else.... And your main point: .causal 'forces' reside both 'inside' -and- come from 'outside' as well…….That reminds me about action and reaction, and Newton's third Law of motion that “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”, Action Potential originates from inside and Reaction constraints the actual outcome from outside. Inside and outside are merely the terms to distinguish between two sides, and motion is caused as perfect equilibrium of action and reaction, an outcome which should satisfy the principle of least action.
It also  prompts to initiate a discussion about so called  fictitious force that is usually explained as NOT ARISING FROM ANY PHYSICAL INTERACTION but from acceleration of non-inertial frame. How preposterous is that suggestion and what a smart way to hide our ignorance about the real physical causes and interactions. We are humans and that is how we behave !! 
Tufail Abbas

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