[Physics] Cubic Atomic Model + Theory

Soretna illumination00 at gmail.com
Wed May 6 17:41:06 CEST 2020

I must say that your reply has left me completely flabbergasted and in
dismay Ilja. I don't understand how anyone could take that approach in life
and at any stage of life. 😫

I believe there are various options for coming to the truth personally for
any researcher. One thing that became clear to me with a survey and study
of these various and many experimenters is that there are tests that can be
performed by people with smaller or even shoestring budgets to validate or
invalidate the null or non-null results (depending on which side of the
fence you are on) and ultimately come to the truth without relying on
anyone else from any camp. I believe in being as being as free from bias
and unshackled by preconceptions as possible (although I realize that as a
human and with cultures the way they are it's never possible to completely
succeed in this) and I have devised some of my own experiments based around
this information and data that I think can provide further insight into the

A sever problem always arises when we place our trust, somewhat blindly,
into so-called research that appears now to have had scientifically impure
motivations. I don't want to use the term evil as you did (perhaps even
facetiously?), but I suppose it ultimately depends on your personal
connotations of this word.

Whenever there is clear evidence of such things it is, or should be, our
personal and societal imperative to change things if we hope to leave the
world in an improved state, even if it threatens our livelihood.

For some this presents a moral dilemma, perhaps akin to the professional
clergyman that has realized that his faith is no longer correct and another
option is, such as an unpaid lay ministry religion, and now must chose to
reeducate themself and then place in jeopardy their ability to put food on
the table for their family. I realize that this is all difficult, but it is
an important crossroads that is personally revelatory and ultimately avails
an opportunity to grow if one choses to go down this path of deciding to
find the truth no matter the cost and insomuch that this pursuit is indeed
guided by factual data and truth.

The book is a small cost to pay and if the cost is too much for you, I
would be willing to order and send you a copy if you decide otherwise. A
keen mind that discovers truth after it has been hidden from them has an
enormity of useful perspective and counsel to offer if not action to take
that will evoke much good.

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 7:44 AM Ilja Schmelzer <ilja.schmelzer at gmail.com>

> 2020-05-06 14:19 GMT+06:30, Soretna <illumination00 at gmail.com>:
> > Ilja there are many, many non-null results with superior tooling all the
> > way up into this century / millennium. I think you would seriously
> > reconsider your thought process if you would review this expansive study
> of
> > history from back then until now.
> No, simply because I have made this bet from the start:  I will accept
> experimental and observational evidence as presented and accepted by
> the mainstream.
> Of course, with some probability this will be the wrong bet.  Such is
> life.  Anyway, as an outsider I have no chance to win in that playing
> field.
> And if these evil mainstream scientists conspire to suppress the
> results of true experiments, my chances are even lower, close to
> complete zero.
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