[Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 27, Issue 13

cj at mb-soft.com cj at mb-soft.com
Wed May 27 14:22:13 CEST 2020

It troubles me when people think up such ideas.

There is a basic Law of Physics called the Conservation of Energy.

In Physics Kindergarden, we learned that NO process can simply "create 
massive amounts of energy".  The LHC REQUIRES incredibly massive amounts of 
energy, just to power all the many super magnets, to cause their 
sub-microscopic atomic objects to circle within their device.

And you think that you can CREATE even more massivce amounts of energy, 
ignoring all the energy which the LHC constantly uses up.  The smaller 
circling devices at FermiLab, where I onced worked, uses astounding amounts 
of electricity to create all their magnetic fields.  One of my Professors 
once told me that their device can (and does) sometimes USE UP MORE 
ELECTRICITY than the entire city of Chicago uses!  They had to design 
equipment which stores that electricity, to not darken the entire city of 
Chicago during some experiments.  Like those which are done in the LHC.

No.  read up  on basic Physics.

Carl Johnson

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