[Physics] The filter of logic & forum suggestion

Zoltan Losonc feprinciples at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 19 11:51:32 CEST 2016

Maurice & All,

Since you have proposed the application of logical filters for the evaluation of the submitted papers, theories, essays etc., it would be great if you could demonstrate in practice how this is done. A program using AI to do this automatically can be written only if the programmers themselves know exactly how to do it manually. 

An alternative theory about the origin of the universe has been proposed by Carl Johnson published at http://mb-soft.com/public/fouruniv.html. The subject is quite interesting, and Carl has implemented some correct ideas. Therefore this paper can be a good subject to demonstrate the usage of logical filters. 

I would like to invite you, and everyone else to test the theory with your own tools of logic, and write a critique. It does not have to be complete, it is sufficient if you find at least one logical flaw in the paper. Alternatively, if you are certain there are no such logical errors in it, then it is sufficient to just announce that (which is the best positive critique).

I will also post a partial critique later, pointing out one or two errors, except of course if someone else finds those errors and announces them earlier. Best would be to post the critiques under the [Physics] Logical origin of the universe thread to keep relevant things together. I hope that Carl will not mind to read criticism.

By the way, even though I have disabled mail delivery to my mailbox, I still check the developments on the list sometimes in the mail archives at http://mail.tuks.nl/pipermail/physics/2016-October/thread.html.


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