[Physics] Physics Digest, Vol 14, Issue 4

cj at mb-soft.com cj at mb-soft.com
Fri Apr 6 16:25:53 CEST 2018

Probably 98$ of modern Physicists believe in the Quantum Dynamics explanantion of "fields".

I  happen to be on e of those remaining two per c ent who believe in the earlier understnding, the Standard Model,  which is more centered on "particles" rather than "fields".  I say thaat a different way.  I (still) believe in "physics explanations" rather than pure mathematical explanations.

I don't get alonng very well with many modern Physicists, who ONLY use rather exotic math to explain everything.  When THEY tell  me that "there is NO actual physical Universe", I rebel.  I understand their math, where they claim to "prove" that NOTHING actually exists, but when I try to  point out some seemingly weak speculated assumptions, they just call  me a dinosaur (which ALSO never actuallly existed).  By the way, my various Articles, like regarding http://mb-soft.com/public9/dilation5.doc  and http://mb-soft.com/public9//fouruniv4.doc  and http://mb-soft.com/public9/dilatio4.doc    http://mb-soft.com/public9/gravmoonw.doc  and  http://mb-soft.com/public9/gravit87.doc    are ALL based on "actual physics" and ""actual logic" and NONE of my thoughts are compatible with  Quantum  Dynamics and Field Theory.   (at least, I don''t think so).

So my background is not sufficient for me to inntelligently comment on most of your ideas.  The ONLY one where I thought a comment fromm me might be useful  was my recent (Standard Model) reasoning where (physical) electrons would need to create the vortices you want.  I grant that IF it really is all quantum, and "electrons" do not actually exist but "vortex Fields" exist instead, then I am too ignorant to comment.  

For many years, I have found that I do not participate well in conversations where NOTHHING actually physically exists.  I still sort of likke the ""billiard balls that my Professors used to explain a lot of Physics to me.  Yes, I  can certainly do the Quantum math to confirm the mathematical things that my associates choose to believe in.  I just don't likke the MATHEMATICAL ASSUMPTIONS they make in their math.

I guess I have nothing further to contribute.

Carl Johnson
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